Player: The Bane
Name: Bramble Butterfoot
Level: 1
Class: Ranger
Race: Halfling
Hit Points: 18
Body Points: 20
Experience Points: 5
Experience Base: 28
Stats Saves
STR 10 (+0) FORT +3
DEX 15 (+2) REFLEX +5
MIND 13 (+1) WILL +3
CHA 10 (+0) PRESENCE +2
(+4 to save vs magical effects)
Armor Class 15
Physical Combat Bonus +1
Magical Combat Bonus +1
Melee Attack Bonus=+1
Ranged Attack Bonus=+3
Magic Attack Bonus=+2
Weapon to hit and damage
Shortbow +6 to hit, 1d6+3
Dagger +2 to hit, 1d4+1
Class Abilities
Rangers (Fighting Class) can wear light or medium armor, may use shields, and can use any weapon. Physical Combat Bonus is level/2, round up. Magical Combat Bonus is level/4, round up. Experience Base is 25. Class Saving Throw Bonus is +2. They add + 1 to FORT and REF saves. They add +1 to all attack and damage rolls. This increases by +1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. They are expert at wilderness tracking and survival and good at moving quietly and hiding in cover in the wilderness.
Race Abilities
Halflings get +2 to DEX. Experience base modifier of +3. Special Abilities: +4 to any save vs. a magical effect; +2 to hit and damage with slings and light bows; can blend in background (d20 + DEX Bonus; DC 12 if outdoors, DC 16 if indoors – this is an extraordinary ability above and beyond simply hiding in available cover which anyone can try to do).
Current Items: backpack, bedroll, hooded lantern, 10 oil flasks, flint & steel, shovel, 2 sets of caltrops, signal whistle, pen & paper, water skin, iron rations for four days, vial of holy water, studded leather armor (+3), shortbow w/20 arrows (50' / M(1d6)), dagger (20' / L(1d4)).
Current Money: 2gp
Companion: Ferret (1hp)
Virtues: Hopeful
Vices: Vengeful
Background: From a tribe of gypsy halflings, Bramble was out on a hunt when his clan was slaughtered by a raging pack of gnolls. He made his way to Fallcrest.
Player: Joe Nelson
Name: Calix
Level: 1
Class: Cleric
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Scoundrel
Hit Points: 16
Body Points: 20
Experience Points: 5
Experience Base: 20
Stats Saves
STR 10 (+0) FORT +3
DEX 18 (+2) REFLEX +4
MIND 17 (+2) WILL +5
CHA 16 (+2) PRESENCE +4
Armor Class 16
Physical Combat Bonus +1
Magical Combat Bonus +1
Melee Attack Bonus=+1
Ranged Attack Bonus=+3
Magic Attack Bonus=+3
Weapon to hit and damage
Class Abilities
Clerics (Specialist Class) can wear light or medium armor and use shields, but cannot use edged weapons, bows, or crossbows. Physical Combat Bonus is level/3, round up. Magical
Combat Bonus is level/2, round up. Experience Base is 20. Class Saving Throw Bonus is +2. They add +1 to FORT and WIL saves. They cast divine spells and have the Turn Undead and
Smite special Abilities.
Race Abilities
Humans get +1 to any 2 stats. Experience base modifier of +0.
Special Abilities: none
Current Items:
10 torches
flint & steel
10 iron spikes
grappling hook
50' rope
4 days worth of rations
studded leather armor
a wooden buckler
Player: Jake
Name: Sarhan Soth
Level: 1
Class: Thief
Race: Gnome
Alignment: Neutral Trickster
Hit Points: 16
Body Points: 20
Experience Points: 5
Experience Base: 24
Stats Saves
STR 10 (+0) FORT +3
DEX 14 (+1) REFLEX +6
MIND 11 (+0) WILL +3
CHA 9 (+0) PRESENCE +3
+4 to save vs poison
Armor Class 13
Physical Combat Bonus (+1)
Magical Combat Bonus (+1)
Melee Attack Bonus=+1
Ranged Attack Bonus=+2
Magic Attack Bonus=+1
Weapon to hit and damage
Dagger +1 to hit, 1d4+1
Class Abilities
Thieves (Specialist Class) can wear light armor, use shields, and use any light or medium weapon. Physical Combat Bonus is level/3, round up. Magical Combat Bonus is level/3, round up. Experience Base is 20. Class Saving Throw Bonus is +3. They add +2 to REF saves. They have the Sneak Attack special ability which adds the Thief's class level to the damage of his first attack, if he successfully sneaks up on a foe. They can use a spell from an arcane scroll successfully on a roll of 1d20 + MIND bonus + Magical Combat Bonus versus a DC of 10 + (2 x spell level). Spell fades as if used on failure and backfires on a natural roll of the spell level or less. Thieves are experts at urban survival as well as picking pockets, hiding, sneaking, and other tasks associated with theft.
Race Abilities
Gnomes get +1 to STR and DEX. Experience base modifier of +4. Special Abilities: +4 to any save vs. poison; note slanting passages, unsafe walls, ceilings, or floors in underground settings (d20 + MIND bonus; DC 12 if carefully checking, DC 16 if just passing through area); speak languages of dwarves, gnomes, kobolds and goblins; can see in darkness half as well
as in light.
Current Items: backpack, bedroll, 10 torches, 10 oil flasks, flint & steel, chalk, 10 ft pole, mirror, crowbar, water skin, iron rations for four days, lock-picking tools, leather armor, dagger
Current Money: 5gp
Virtues: Just, Hopeful, Academic
Vices: Bigoted, Arrogant, Self-Centered
Background: Artisan Woodworker. Sarhan is a ripe old 101, or about middle-age for a gnome. He worked in the family workshop since he was 30, and remembers when the orcs came sweeping through the land. Business has been declining ever since and demand is down. The workshop used to build furniture exclusively. It widened out to all sort of items like utensils, plates, bowls, wagon wheel repair, watch repair, whatever brought the money in. Now he is struggling to feed the six kids, his wife, and his elderly parents. Sarhan is looking to go outside of Fallcrest, perhaps for the opportunity to acquire money and feed his family, or perhaps to restore some order to the empire and reestablish trade that would renew his business.
Player: Tenkar
Name: Rathman
Level: 1
Class: Magic-User
Race: Elf
Hit Points: 22
Body Points: 20
Experience Points: 5
Experience Base: 37
Stats Saves
STR 16 (+2) FORT +3
DEX 8 (+0) REFLEX +1
MIND 16 (+2) WILL +5
CHA 8 (+0) PRESENCE +1
Armor Class 10
Physical Combat Bonus (+1)
Magical Combat Bonus (+1)
Melee Attack Bonus=+3
Ranged Attack Bonus=+1
Magic Attack Bonus=+3
Weapon to hit and damage
Class Abilities
Magic-Users (Arcane Class) wear no armor and can only use daggers, slings or staves as weapons. Physical Combat Bonus is level/4, round up. Magical Combat Bonus is level/2, round up. Experience Base is 30. Class Saving Throw Bonus is +1. They add +2 to WIL saves. They cast arcane spells and have the Minor Magic and Arcane Blast special abilities.
Race Abilities
Elves get +2 to MIND. Experience base modifier of +7. Special Abilities: Can use elf-made magic armor and magic
weapons even as a magic-user/illusionist; +2 to hit and damage goblinoid monsters; note secret/hidden doors (d20 + MIND bonus; DC 12 if carefully checking, DC 16 if just passing through area); speak languages of elves, orcs, hobgoblins, and gnolls.
Current Items:
Spellbook: Read Magic, Sleep, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Identify.
10 torches
flint & steel
10 ft. pole
water skin
iron rations for four days
10 torches
flint & steel
10 ft. pole
water skin
iron rations for four days
Current Money: 5gp
Name: Gault
Level 1
Fallcrest Guard
Alignment: Guardedly Neutral.
Hit Points: 24
Body Points: 20
Experience Points: 5
Experience Base: 20
STR 16 (+2) FORT +8
DEX 13 (+1) REF +5
CHA 13 (+1) PRE +5
Armor Class 15 (heavy shield, leather armor, dex bonus)
Magical Combat Bonus is +1
Melee Attack Bonus is +4
Ranged Attack Bonus is +3
Magic Attack Bonus is +1
Weapon to hit and damage
Weapon to hit and damage
Throwing Axe +3 to hit, 1d6+1 dmg
Spear +4 to hit, 1d6+3 dmg
Can wear any kind of armor, weapon, and may use shields.
Saving Throw Bonus is +4.
Add +2 to FORT saves.
Add +1 to attack and damage rolls.
Maximum of 1 attack per round.
Current Items: throwing axe, spear, leather armor, heavy steel shield, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, water skin, 5 days trail rations.
Current Money: 5gp
Virtues: Bold, Impulsive.
Background: Gault is a loyal son of Fallcrest. Coming of age under the tutelage of a family of wainwrights, he served many years of an apprentice in his fathers carpentry shop. With the incursions of the hordes he joined the town's guard as quickly as he could to fight the humanoids. He longs to take the fight to these monsters and sweep their like from the vale.
Can wear any kind of armor, weapon, and may use shields.
Saving Throw Bonus is +4.
Add +2 to FORT saves.
Add +1 to attack and damage rolls.
Maximum of 1 attack per round.
Current Items: throwing axe, spear, leather armor, heavy steel shield, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, water skin, 5 days trail rations.
Current Money: 5gp
Virtues: Bold, Impulsive.
Background: Gault is a loyal son of Fallcrest. Coming of age under the tutelage of a family of wainwrights, he served many years of an apprentice in his fathers carpentry shop. With the incursions of the hordes he joined the town's guard as quickly as he could to fight the humanoids. He longs to take the fight to these monsters and sweep their like from the vale.