Monday, November 28, 2011

Goblin Attack Round 4

Calix swings his mace at the worg and strikes it firmly on the flank. 

Gault's attack on the goblin runs the little green beast through, and pins it to the ground next to the other one. 

Just as the snarling, angry worg can leap upon Calix, it is felled with an arrow through its skull from above! Bramble has scored a Critical Hit and slain the monster! 

The other, riderless worg has charged across the bridge and will be upon Calix and Gault next round. 

Rathman fires off another rocket, which explodes over the heads of goblin and worg alike on the other side of the river, and this blast causes the worgs to flee into the forest, and their goblin riders to run after them as well. Rathman then notices the four goblins running up the stairs and pointing in his direction... 

Sarhan has reached the top of the cliff, and is now within shouting distance of Rathman. 


  1. Sarhan continues to run in Rathman's direction as he yells, "Goblins! Goblins are coming for the fireworks!" Sarhan draws his dagger and looks for opportunities. If he can beat the goblins to the fireworks, he will run there and look for a place to take cover and hide. If the goblins are going to get there first, he will look for a way to sneak up behind them as they close in on Rathman.

  2. Calix, feeling a surge of adrenalin as the goblins and their mounts begin to fall, hefts his mace once more and swings for the worg as it charges.

    One to go and the gatehouse.

  3. Bramble pulled once more on the string of his bow. The familiar sensation brought him comfort. The adrenaline pounded in his ears.

    One more... he whispered to his pet that wanted to pop his head out...

    Small puffs of dust rose from the feet of the charging mass...

    *Thwang* went the bow as he released the arrow on what he hoped would be a collision course with a vital spot of the charging Worg.

  4. Rathman moves closer to the pile of works that he had prepared just for this occasion (the works that were less flash and bang).

    When the 4 get close enough, he will start lighting the pile and back up, waiting for the display to go off, and which point he will decide his next step.

  5. (the works in question are probably still on the cart - same difference ;)

  6. Seeking to take the bridge, Gault pulls his spear from the goblins corpse and charges toward the bridge ... and the worg.

    He hopes that those reinforcement he heard arrive in time to pull his fat from the fire.
