Thursday, October 13, 2011

Setting the Stage

"The Empire? My grandfather told me about the Nerathi Empire, many years ago. Imperial knights cleared the monsters from this valley, some three hundred years ago, and brought their families, workers, and farmers and settled this valley. Towns sprung up from the Dawnforge Mountains to the Cairngorn Peaks, and we traded with the dwarves of Hammerfast and the elves of the Harkenwood.

"Alas, the Empire crumbled, as Empires are wont to do, and this valley was left to its own devices. And we were not prepared for the return of the orcs and gnolls. It has been but sixty years since the hordes swept across this land, leaving destruction and death everywhere they went. You can still see the stain they left here. Had it not been for the deeds of a few great heroes, we'd all be slaves or worse. As it is now, the world outside Fallcrest is a very dangerous place."

Fallcrest is a town located at the intersection of the old King's Road and the River Nen, in the middle of the Nentir Vale. The King's Road runs east to west across the Vale, though much of it has fallen into disrepair. The River Nen flows from Lake Wintermist and Lake Nen in the north, southwest into the Witchlight Fens. To the southeast is Harken Forest. Mountains border the Vale on the east and west, and deep dark of Winterbole Forest comprises the Vale's northern boundaries. 

Fallcrest is cut off and has not had communication or trade with other towns in the Vale since the monstrous hordes swept across the land. Little is known about the outside world; it is far too dangerous to venture far past the town's meager walls. The town guard is vigilant over their borders, however, and the townspeople are quick to take up arms when bands of goblins or other monstrous humanoids are spotted, though it has been about three or four months since the last incursion. 

Some 1500 souls reside in and around Fallcrest. Our PCs are amongst their number, and have been listening to tales of heroes and monsters for all their young lives. Surely, in the many ruins of the old empire, there must be great treasure! At the very least, monsters make life dangerous here, and the people who call the Nentir Vale home are in need of a generation of heroes! 

DM's Note: I'll be using a heavily modified version of 4th Edition D&D's Nentir Vale setting as the starting adventure area for this campaign. I'm going to liberally steal the fluff from my many 4E sourcebooks, because really, I might as well put it all to use, right? Also, I'm terrible at coming up with fantasy names that evoke a proper feel for the setting. 

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