Sunday, October 23, 2011

Almost ready...

Just as a heads up for my players, we are very close to being ready to get the ball rolling on this game. I will probably be making some changes to the blog interface to make it work as good as possible for everyone involved.

I will generally be using my iPhone to run the game, so that is certainly effecting how I set things up for ease of use on my end. So, to my players, are you all generally using a proper web browser on a computer to post, or are some of you using mobile internet devices? Any suggestions on how I can set this up for ease of functionality?

I am also still working on setting up the hex-map for exploring the surrounding area. I have the map to base it on, but, having a rather slow desktop at the moment, am a bit stymied on how to easily set it up. I don't have access to any fancy image editors, either, nor would I have the technical skills to make it look very good. For the moment, my plan is to keep track of where you all are at on my personal map and just be very descriptive as I interpret it for you. The same process will probably apply for dungeon areas, although these may be easier to adjust and post for you guys using a simple program like Paint.

Thanks a lot, guys. Like I said, I hope to get this started in the next few days. Please bear with me as I get things sorted out to make this work well. I imagine I'll be changing some things as we go and figure out just what works well and what doesn't.


  1. from home (after work) i'm on a pc / mac (dual boot). From work I'm on my iPad. No idea how to simplify things for you on your end :(

  2. I will be, 90% of the time, answering/replying to scenes from home on a Linux/Window$ desktop. Occasionally at work, and rarely on a mobile device.

    For a hex map, check out:

  3. I'll get it squared away. Really what I need is simplification of editability. The text boxes along the side I can't edit from the phone, unfortunately. At least, I haven't figured out how to yet lol. I like having that info right on the front page for everyone, but I want to be able to edit it as I need, particularly HP, items, and gold. I may have to make a "current status" page, because I know I can edit one of those directly.

    Lol, of course, maybe I'm overthinking all this and we just need to start playing.

  4. Windows and Linux desktops here. No mobile internet devices for me.

  5. Thanks guys. I just discovered I actually can edit the text in the character outlines on the sidebar now, probably due to the upgraded OS I downloaded Saturday. So that's a plus.

    At this time, we're close to ready. I need Tenkar to select starting equipment and spells, and I need Joe to select his equipment as well.

    I should have another post up tonite concerning the calendar for this world, and another outlining training for leveling up (Won't just be automatic).
